The day I arrived at the retreat I was helpless — I could do nothing for myself, I was lifted from the car to my wheelchair, from my wheelchair to the recliner indoors. If I was thirsty someone had to feed me drinks, if I needed the bathroom someone had to take me.
I was worried that I wouldn't be able to understand or keep up, but all I had to do was sit and be open and the information somehow stuck.
We learned the Lightning Process that day, and from that moment on I started to apply it. By the time we left Swallows Retreat that evening, I had begun to wheel my own wheelchair. That in itself would have been a miracle, but it only got better — by the end of day two, I could walk — albeit a little shakily! That second evening I walked the length of my street, unaided, I played the piano, and couldn't believe the miracle I was undergoing.
On day three I jauntily strode up the path to Swallows Retreat, and the look on Linda's face as she came out to greet me was priceless!
If I thought I was going to stop there, I couldn't have been more wrong. Two days after the Lightning Process, I went on holiday with my family. Blown away by the success of the process, my family and I decided that since the gruelling months in hospital we were in need of a much overdue rest. I walked that holiday, and I skipped, I jumped about and I played tennis. And guess what? We didn't even take my wheelchair.
I have never been so well in my entire life! I am liveing a life I absolutely adore. I am so grateful for every moment of every day, for the air I breathe, for the people I meet, and for my incredible health.
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