J S, 2013

My husband and I are amazed at the difference in our son after he did the Lightning Process. We are relieved to not see him suffering anymore and reganing his enthusiasm for life. Thank you so much!
We went to the hospital for a check up this week and told them he had done the LP and our doctor told us it was the best thing we could have done and encouraged him to carry on — and the great news is, we don't have to go back to the hospital anymore.
We have a busy few weeks planned, and are all excited to be having fun together as a family.
M B, 2014

Before the Lightning Process, I struggled to even brush my hair and would often leave it unbrushed for days on end because of pain and exhaustion. Well, no more.
Thanks to the Lightning Process I've got my life back! On the second day I went for a paddle in the freezing sea in the evening — and this is probably one of the defining life changing moments of my life. It was something I'd always loved doing, but hadn't been able to for such a long time because of M.E. I will never forget doing that that night, thank you.
I've been busy with friends and family, enjoying going out and living the life I love — but the biggest surprise, and the best news is that I am pregnant. My baby is due in the next few weeks, and pregnancy has been wonderful. The Lightning Process really did make me fertile, ha!
What a difference 2014 has started in comparision to 2013. We now have a future, thanks to you and the Lightning Process. Thank you!

The day I arrived at the retreat I was helpless — I could do nothing for myself, I was lifted from the car to my wheelchair, from my wheelchair to the recliner indoors. If I was thirsty someone had to feed me drinks, if I needed the bathroom someone had to take me.
I was worried that I wouldn't be able to understand or keep up, but all I had to do was sit and be open and the information somehow stuck.
We learned the Lightning Process that day, and from that moment on I started to apply it. By the time we left Swallows Retreat that evening, I had begun to wheel my own wheelchair. That in itself would have been a miracle, but it only got better — by the end of day two, I could walk — albeit a little shakily! That second evening I walked the length of my street, unaided, I played the piano, and couldn't believe the miracle I was undergoing.
On day three I jauntily strode up the path to Swallows Retreat, and the look on Linda's face as she came out to greet me was priceless!
If I thought I was going to stop there, I couldn't have been more wrong. Two days after the Lightning Process, I went on holiday with my family. Blown away by the success of the process, my family and I decided that since the gruelling months in hospital we were in need of a much overdue rest. I walked that holiday, and I skipped, I jumped about and I played tennis. And guess what? We didn't even take my wheelchair.
I have never been so well in my entire life! I am liveing a life I absolutely adore. I am so grateful for every moment of every day, for the air I breathe, for the people I meet, and for my incredible health.
L D, 2013

The Lightning Process has really helped to turn my life around — friends and family are amazed at the difference in me.
I must confess I don't do the Lightning Process on a regular basis but I take so much confidence in knowing that it is there when I need it and I can easily jump straight back into it when I have to.
My energy levels are improving all the time, and I feel better every day.
Thank you so much for all your help, I couldn't have done it without you.
C M, 2014

Before the Lightning Process, I was always exhausted and even the smallest of tasks required a huge effort. But despite this, I was struggling to get any sleep and was battling with insomnia. This was frustrating and started getting in the way of everything from school work to nights out with friends. My attendance at college slipped and my grades got worse, but the thought of catching up was overwhelming.
As such an active child who was on every school sports team and was always running around, I was devestated that my aching joints, sore muscles and severe tiredness meant exercising became something painful and daunting instead of fun and something I looked forward to. Just the thought of putting on a pair of trainers seemed terrifying, as I knew how much I would suffer the next day.
After the Lightning Process, everything changed and I'm completely transformed. I noticed changes immediatly, and on day three of the retreat I got lots of compliments on how much brighter my skin and eyes seemed. Gone were the days of hunched shoulders and tired, dull skin. And waking up in the morning without pain, or feeling drained and groggy was a revelation — I couldn't believe it.
I spent a year working for a magazine in London, which meant commuting for two hours each way every day as well as running around a busy office and squeezing in time for shopping on my lunch break. Plus, meeting friends for drinks most nights after work. This would have been impossible without the Lightning Process, but I relished every second of it. Tiredness, aching joints, and the fear of feeling awful after excerting myself were no longer something I worried about. Instead I felt healthy and fulfilled.
Now I'm confident, happy and active — and most importantly I believe in myself. I know that using the Lightning Process anything, and everything, is possible.
All thanks to Linda, and the LP, I know I will continue to thrive, strive and live the life I love every day!
G C, 2013

Wow, it's been a whole year since I attended the Lightning Process and what a year it's been.
Thank you so much because if I didn't have your help I wouldn't still be full of energy after a weekend packed with partying.
I can do so many more things now, and it's all thanks to you and the Lightning Process. Now for the future, I know I can do it.
A B, 2013

In 2011 I was at the South of England show, in a wheelchair. My exams had truly taken it out of me and being pushed around by my mum, bumping into my healthy peers made me feel deflated and defeated.
2012 and I was at the South of England show and nothing would stop me this time from spending hours exploring the tents and watching the shows pain free, drug free and on my own two legs.
What was the difference? I had learnt the Lightning Process.
It wasn't until the other day that I realised quite how much I had accomplished in two short years and just how much my life had turned around; richer than ever before.
2013 I will be at the South of England show, and will spend hours exploring the tents and watching the shows because I know nothing will stop me from living the life I love.
I cannot thank Linda enough for showing me how to take my life in the direction I want it to go. Swallows Retreat is a place so magical, a place which I owe the world as the world is now my oyster.
Thank you with all my heart, Linda and thank you to the Lightning Process.
J, 2013

I just wanted to say thank you again, I feel even better than I was hoping for and it does feel like some kind of miracle.
I saw a friend last night and she was amazed at how well I was. This morning I woke up early and full of excitement, I'm about to go for a walk in the sunshine now and I can't wait.
No words can express how much you have helped me, thank you. You're great and having my life back is the best thing ever!
C B, 2013

Well, what an amazing five months we've had. My son is doing incredibly well, no relapses of any shape or form — and he's just moved up to year eight in secondary school and is in all the top sets!
He's started boxing and we've been told he has great potential to go onto competing. He visits the gym twice a week, trains twice a week and tells us he's going to be a champ.
Great Ormond Street have said they want to keep him under them for another year just to be sure, and they gave us a final of a rare form Complex Regional Pain Syndrome but to be honest it no longer matters as we finally have our son back all thanks to you.